
Your Free CV Builder

You're not on your own with the CV Builder.


Our Career Advisor is with you every step of the way, just tell it your experience and the job you want, and the bot will do the rest.

You can choose a template or upload your existing CV Template to modify on word or PDF
Edit at anytime
Your CV or Profile is always stored on your dashboard, so you can make edicts anytime you need to.

Beat the Bots with our intelligence

Did you know many companies use automated screening tools to automatically reject applications based on keywords?

Our AI intelligence undertsands what employers look for in a CV and will suggest which areas to improve
Goodbye spelling mistakes
It seems obvious, but spelling and grammar is very important in your CV. We've got you covered.
Offline Capabilities
If you can't find a job you like on DiverseTalent.ai, you can always download your CV and apply to a job a different way

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