Employers Guide

For businesses in the UK and Ireland, fostering an inclusive environment is critical—not just to comply with legal requirements but also to unlock the full potential of their workforce. Leadership plays a crucial role in driving this change, with diversity training acting as a powerful tool to equip leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to build a thriving, diverse workplace.

Why is Diversity Training Important?

1. It’s Legally Beneficial
For UK and Irish companies, promoting diversity is not just morally right but legally required. Under the UK’s Equality Act 2010, it’s unlawful to discriminate against employees or job applicants based on age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics.

In Ireland, the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 provide similar protections.

By investing in diversity training, companies can not only comply with the law but also protect themselves from costly lawsuits related to discrimination claims.

2. It Improves Company Culture and Productivity
When employees feel seen, valued, and included, they’re more likely to engage with their work and bring their best selves to the job.

A 2018 report from Deloitte found that companies with inclusive cultures are six times more likely to be innovative and twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets. Diversity training helps create a workplace where employees from different backgrounds can collaborate effectively, which leads to improved decision-making and problem-solving.

3. It Attracts and Retains Top Talent
A diverse and inclusive environment is attractive to potential employees, particularly younger generations. Millennials and Gen Z increasingly prioritize diversity when choosing employers, and a company that fails to demonstrate a commitment to inclusion risks losing out on top talent. Moreover, employees who feel included are 50% less likely to leave, reducing costly turnover and preserving institutional knowledge.

Okay we’ve highlighted the business case for DE&I training, so let us tell you what you should be looking at👇

Diversity training for corporate leaders must go beyond surface-level topics. It’s important to cover a range of areas to ensure that the message is impactful and lasting. 

  • Unconscious Bias: We all have biases, but becoming aware of them helps leaders make fairer decisions and avoid unintentional discrimination. For example, leaders might unknowingly favour candidates from similar backgrounds during hiring.

  • Inclusive Leadership: Effective leaders know how to bring out the best in diverse teams. Training should include strategies for encouraging open dialogue, embracing different perspectives, and leading with empathy.

  • Cultural Competency: In multinational companies, understanding and respecting cultural differences is vital. Leaders need to navigate cultural nuances, from communication styles to social norms, to foster collaboration.

  • Intersectionality: Understanding how different aspects of a person’s identity—such as gender, race, and socio-economic background—intersect helps leaders avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to inclusion.

And yes, we provide DE&I training 🙌

Book a chat with our team:


Our workshops are engaging, informative and industry-tested to ensure maximum efficiency.

We’ll give your team the tools they need to champion diversity and make a real impact in the workplace.

Depending on your needs, our qualified trainers will cover topics such as:

  • Workplace DE&I Audit
  • LGBTQAI+ safe working
  • Neurodivergent and Disability
  • Employee Resource Groups
  • Ethnicity, Religion, Race and Culture
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Inclusive Recruitment
  • Start-up ESG for Investment