Employer Guide

Running a start-up or small-to-medium-sized enterprise (SME) can feel like a whirlwind. You’ve got innovation on your mind, growth goals to hit, and probably about a hundred tasks competing for your attention.

But one thing that can’t be put on the backburner is building your team. Your people are the heart of your company, and attracting the right talent is crucial to your success. The challenge? Doing it in a way that’s inclusive, efficient, and—let’s be honest—cost-effective.

So, how do you grow your people operations and make your company a magnet for diverse talent, without breaking the bank?

Here’s a guide to help you do just that.

1. Build a Strong Employer Brand

First things first, your employer brand is your reputation as a company people want to work for. When you’re competing with bigger companies for top talent, a strong employer brand can make all the difference. But it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

  • Showcase your mission: Start-ups and SMEs have a unique advantage—they tend to have purpose-driven missions. Make sure your company values and vision are clear and compelling to attract people who want to be part of something bigger.

  • Highlight your culture: Use your website and social media channels to give potential hires a glimpse into your company culture. Employee testimonials, behind-the-scenes photos, or even fun team-building activities can show what it’s like to work at your company.

2. Attract Talent Through Inclusive Hiring

Hiring for diversity isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s also good for business. Diverse teams bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, which are essential for start-ups and SMEs aiming to grow. But how can you make your hiring process more inclusive while keeping it budget-friendly?

  • Use platforms like DiverseTalent.ai: Hiring can be a time-consuming and costly process, especially when you’re trying to reach underrepresented groups. DiverseTalent.ai helps streamline this by connecting you with diverse candidates, ensuring you’re attracting talent from all backgrounds, all while keeping costs manageable. Bonus? You get access to top talent quickly and without the hefty fees often associated with recruitment agencies.

  • Remove bias from the hiring process: Use blind CVs and structured interviews to ensure candidates are evaluated solely on their skills and experience. There are even affordable software tools that can help with this, levelling the playing field for all applicants.

3. Invest in Employee Development

Hiring great people is only half the battle—you also need to retain them. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in employee development. While start-ups and SMEs may not have the budget for fancy training programs, there are plenty of cost-effective ways to grow your team’s skills.

  • Offer mentorship opportunities: Leverage the knowledge of your senior employees by creating a mentorship program. Not only is this a low-cost way to develop talent, but it also fosters a sense of community within the company.

  • Use online learning platforms: Platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Udemy offer affordable courses on everything from coding to leadership. Providing employees with access to these resources shows you’re committed to their growth.

4. Flexibility is Key

One of the biggest draws for talent today is flexibility. With remote and hybrid working becoming the norm, start-ups and SMEs can attract top talent by offering a work environment that values work-life balance.

  • Offer flexible working options: If you can’t compete with the salaries of larger companies, offer flexibility as a key benefit. Whether it’s remote working or flexible hours, this can be a huge selling point for many candidates—particularly those from underrepresented groups who may face additional challenges with traditional working hours.

5. Foster an Inclusive Culture

Creating an inclusive workplace culture doesn’t require a massive budget. What it does require is a commitment from leadership to listen, learn, and act.

  • Regularly review your company policies: Ensure they are inclusive and support employees from diverse backgrounds. This might include updating parental leave policies, offering mental health support, or creating affinity groups where employees can connect and share experiences.

  • Promote open communication: An inclusive culture starts with listening. Encourage employees to speak up and share their thoughts and concerns. Regular check-ins, anonymous feedback surveys, and open-door policies are simple ways to foster an inclusive environment.

How can DiverseTalent.ai help?

We’ve been a start-up, whilst building our product we also had to build our team, so we understand your pain points.

To help our start-up and SME pals, we’ve developed cost-effective solutions to get you hiring, inclusively and compliantly from day:

  • Fair pricing: If your company has under 10 people you can sign-up for our SME package of £95 per month 
  • Employer branding: We take care of this for you, with our human team of experts and our in app AI helper 
  • Talent sourcing: Did you know DiverseTalent.ai was founded by experienced recruiters? And we still love getting involved with hiring teams and can provide recruitment solutions to you .