What Skills, Talent and Companies Need to Get Ready For

The future of work in the UK is shaping up to be something straight out of a sci-fi movie. We’re talking AI, automation, remote work, and roles that didn’t even exist a decade ago. The world of work is changing at lightning speed, and if you’re not keeping up, you might just get left behind. So, what does the future hold, and how can companies (and the people working in them) get ready? Let’s break it down.

The Skills of the Future: What You Need to Know

First off, let’s talk skills. The jobs of the future aren’t just going to be about knowing how to use a computer or write a good email. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, by 2025, 50% of all employees will need reskilling. Yep, half the workforce will need to learn new skills just to stay relevant!

So, what are these magical skills we’re talking about? Here are a few:

  1. Digital Literacy and Tech Savviness: If you’re not comfortable with tech now, it’s time to get on board. From data analysis to AI and machine learning, the future is digital. The UK government predicts that by 2025, there will be a need for 1.2 million new tech workers to fill the gap.

  2. Creative Problem-Solving: As more repetitive tasks get taken over by automation, creativity is going to be your best friend. Companies need people who can think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

  3. Emotional Intelligence: Robots might be good at calculations, but they’re terrible at understanding feelings. That’s why emotional intelligence—understanding and managing your own emotions, as well as those of others—will be crucial.

  4. Adaptability and Lifelong Learning: The ability to learn new things quickly and adapt to change is going to be a huge asset. The future is all about being flexible and ready to pivot when needed.

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The Talent Pool: Where Are We Finding These People?

So, where are these skilled workers going to come from? The UK is facing a talent crunch, especially in the tech sector. The tech industry is already short on talent, with around 870,000 unfilled vacancies in the digital sector as of 2023. This shortage is expected to grow unless companies start thinking creatively about where to find talent.

One big trend is tapping into underrepresented groups. Women, people of color, and neurodiverse individuals are often overlooked in the hiring process, but they represent a huge untapped talent pool. The tech sector, for instance, is still heavily male-dominated, with women making up just 19% of the workforce. Companies that diversify their hiring practices are not only filling roles—they’re also bringing in fresh perspectives that can drive innovation.

Another key move is looking beyond traditional education. Many of the skills needed for the future aren’t being taught in universities. Companies need to partner with coding boot camps, online courses, and apprenticeships to find and train the talent they need.

What Companies Should Be Doing Right Now

If companies want to be ready for the future, they need to start acting now. Here’s what they should be focusing on:

  1. Invest in Training and Development: Companies need to be proactive about upskilling their current employees. This means offering training in new technologies, leadership development, and even courses in creativity and emotional intelligence.

  2. Create a Flexible Work Environment: The pandemic showed us that remote work is not only possible but can be super effective. Companies should continue to offer flexible working options to attract top talent, especially those who value work-life balance.

  3. Focus on Diversity and Inclusion: A diverse workforce isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must. Companies need to actively recruit from diverse talent pools and create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

  4. Stay Ahead of the Tech Curve: Embracing new technology is crucial. This doesn’t just mean buying the latest gadgets, but actually understanding how tech can transform your business and how to integrate it effectively.

Wrapping It Up

The future of work in the UK is full of opportunities, but only for those who are prepared. Whether you’re an employee looking to stay ahead of the curve or a company trying to future-proof your business, the key is to be proactive, flexible, and always ready to learn. The world of work is changing, and those who adapt will not only survive—they’ll thrive.

At DiverseTalent.ai, we’ve created the AI Career Advisor for employees and jobseekers to assess future skills needed for future jobs. Log into a Job Seeker account and try it out!