Hey there, job seekers! Whether you’re a first-time interviewee or a seasoned pro, interviews can still feel nerve-wracking. But let’s flip the script. You’re not just in the hot seat – you’re also interviewing the employer to see if they’re the right fit for you!

At DiverseTalent.ai, we believe that interviews should be a two-way street. Asking the right questions can help you gauge the culture, work environment, and if this is a place where you can truly thrive.

So here are 10 questions you should ask at your next interview to make sure you’re getting the full picture.

1. What does a typical day look like in this role?

Sure, the job description gives you an idea, but the day-to-day? It’s not always so clear. This question helps you understand how you’ll be spending your time and what’s expected of you.

2. How does the company support work-life balance?

You’re here to work, but life’s about more than just your 9-to-5. Does the company offer flexible working hours? Remote options? Time off when you need it? Their answer will tell you if they value your time outside of work.

3. What’s the company culture like?

This one’s a classic, but it’s also key. A company’s culture can make or break your experience. Are they collaborative? Do they celebrate diversity and inclusion (hint: they should!)? How do they approach employee well-being? You want to make sure the vibe matches yours.

4. How does the team handle feedback and performance reviews?

Feedback is crucial for growth. Find out if the company values open communication, constructive feedback, and regular reviews. If they don’t, you might not have the support you need to succeed.

5. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?

Your future colleagues are a big part of your work life. Knowing what kind of people you’ll be spending your time with will give you insight into the team dynamic and if you’ll enjoy working with them.

6. What are the company’s goals for the next 6-12 months?

This question shows you’re thinking big picture. Plus, it lets you in on what’s coming down the pipeline. Are they innovating? Expanding? Are there exciting projects ahead? This will give you a feel for whether the company is forward-thinking.

7. How does the company approach diversity and inclusion?

We’re passionate about this at DiverseTalent.ai (obviously!). Make sure the company is too. How do they foster an inclusive environment? What DE&I initiatives do they have in place? If they fumble this answer, that’s a red flag.

8. What kind of learning and development opportunities are available?

You want to grow, right? Make sure the company supports that growth through professional development, mentorship, or education benefits. Continuous learning isn’t just nice to have, it’s essential for staying sharp.

9. How does the company recognize and celebrate achievements?

A company that celebrates wins—both big and small—shows that they care about their employees’ hard work. Whether it’s a shout-out in a meeting or a more formal recognition program, it’s good to know how they appreciate their people.

10. What are the next steps in the hiring process?

Always end with this one! It shows you’re interested and ready to keep things moving. Plus, it helps you manage your expectations on timelines and follow-ups.

And obviously, if you’re using DiverseTalent.ai to support your job seeking journey, sure you have the AI Career Advisor with you every step of the way!